model unarchive

Extract archived experiments

usage: model unarchive [-h] [-ids exp1,[exp2[,...]]] [exp1,[exp2[,...]]] ...]]
                       [-f str] [-a] [-pd] [-P] [-d str] [-p str]
                       [-fmt { 'gztar' | 'bztar' | 'tar' | 'zip' }] [--force]

Named Arguments

-ids, --experiments
 The experiments to extract. If None the current experiment is used
-f, --file The path to an archive to extract the experiments from. If None, we assume that the path to the archive has been stored in the configuration when using the archive() command
-a, --all

If True, archives are extracted completely, not only the experiment (implies project_data = True)

Default: False

-pd, --project-data

If True, the data for the project is extracted as well

Default: False

-P, --replace-project-config

If True and the project does already exist in the configuration, it is updated with what is stored in the archive

Default: False

-d, --root

An alternative root directory to use. Otherwise the experiment will be exctracted to

  1. the root directory specified in the configuration files (if the project exists in it) and replace_project_config is False
  2. the root directory as stored in the archive
-p, --projectname
 The projectname to use. If None, use the one specified in the archive
-fmt The format of the archive. If None, it is inferred

If True, force to overwrite the configuration of all experiments from what is stored in archive. Otherwise, the configuration of the experiments in archive are only used if missing in the current configuration

Default: False