model archive

Archive one or more experiments or a project instance

This method may be used to archive experiments in order to minimize the amount of necessary configuration files

usage: model archive [-h] [-d str] [-f str]
                     [-fmt { 'gztar' | 'bztar' | 'tar' | 'zip' }] [-p str]
                     [-ids exp1,[exp2[,...]]]] [-P] [-na] [-np]
                     [-e str [str ...]] [-k] [-rm] [-n] [-L]

Named Arguments

-d, --odir The path where to store the archive
-f, --aname The name of the archive (minus any format-specific extension). If None, defaults to the projectname

Possible choices: bztar, gztar, tar, zip

The format of the archive. If None, it is tested whether an archived with the name specified by aname already exists and if yes, the format is inferred, otherwise 'tar' is used

-p, --projectname
 If provided, the entire project is archived
-ids, --experiments
 If provided, the given experiments are archived. Note that an error is raised if they belong to multiple project instances
-P, --current-project

If True, projectname is set to the current project

Default: False

-na, --no-append

It True and the archive already exists, it is deleted

Default: False

-np, --no-project-paths

If True, paths outside the experiment directories are neglected

Default: False

-e, --exclude Filename patterns to ignore (see glob.fnmatch.fnmatch())
-k, --keep

If True, the experiment directories are not removed and no modification is made in the configuration

Default: False

-rm, --rm-project

If True, remove all the project files

Default: False

-n, --dry-run

If True, set, do not actually make anything

Default: False

-L, --dereference

If set, dereference symbolic links. Note: This is automatically set for fmt=='zip'

Default: False