Starting example: square

This small example will you demonstrate the basic methodology how our package works. We use a very simple model represented by only one function that squares the input data and we create a project to investigate trigonmetric functions (sine, cosine, etc.).

So let’s define our model function

"""A small example for a computational model

def compute(x):
    return x ** 2

and save it in a file called '' file. This function runs only in python and does not know anything about where the input is from and where it is saved.

We start from the pure ModelOrganizer to manage our model named square

#!/usr/bin/env python
from model_organization import ModelOrganizer

class SquareModelOrganizer(ModelOrganizer):

    name = 'square'

if __name__ == '__main__':

and save it in the file called ''. If we run our model from the command line, (for technical reasons we run it here from inside IPython), we see already several preconfigured commands

In [1]: !./ -h
usage: square [-h] [-id str] [-l] [-n] [-v] [-vl str or int] [-nm] [-E]

The main function for parsing global arguments

positional arguments:
    setup               Perform the initial setup for the project
    init                Initialize a new experiment
    set-value           Set a value in the configuration
    get-value           Get one or more values in the configuration
    del-value           Delete a value in the configuration
    info                Print information on the experiments
    unarchive           Extract archived experiments
    configure           Configure the project and experiments
    archive             Archive one or more experiments or a project instance
    remove              Delete an existing experiment and/or projectname

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -id str, --experiment str
                        experiment: str
                            The id of the experiment to use. If the `init` argument is called, the `new` argument is automatically set. Otherwise, if not specified differently, the last created experiment is used.
  -l, --last            If True, the last experiment is used
  -n, --new             If True, a new experiment is created
  -v, --verbose         Increase the verbosity level to DEBUG. See also `verbosity_level`
                        for a more specific determination of the verbosity
  -vl str or int, --verbosity-level str or int
                        The verbosity level to use. Either one of ``'DEBUG', 'INFO',
                        'WARNING', 'ERROR'`` or the corresponding integer (see pythons
                        logging module)
  -nm, --no-modification
                        If True/set, no modifications in the configuration files will be
  -E, --match           If True/set, interprete `experiment` as a regular expression
                        (regex) und use the matching experiment

So to setup our new project, we use the setup() method

In [2]: !./ setup . -p trigo
INFO:square.trigo:Initializing project trigo

And we initialize one experiment for the sine, one for the cosine, and one for the tangent functions

In [3]: !./ -id sine init -d "Squared Sine"
INFO:square.sine:Initializing experiment sine of project trigo

In [4]: !./ -id cosine init -d "Squared Cosine"
INFO:square.cosine:Initializing experiment cosine of project trigo

In [5]: !./ -id tangent init -d "Squared Tangent"
INFO:square.tangent:Initializing experiment tangent of project trigo

Now of course, we, need the input data, so we enhance our ModelOrganizer subclass with a preprocess method

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
from model_organization import ModelOrganizer

class SquareModelOrganizer(ModelOrganizer):

    name = 'square'

    commands = ModelOrganizer.commands[:]

    # insert the new run command to the other commands, right before the
    # archiving
    commands.insert(commands.index('archive'), 'preproc')

    def preproc(self, which='sin', **kwargs):
        Create preprocessing data

        which: str
            The name of the numpy function to apply
            Any other parameter for the
            :meth:`model_organization.ModelOrganizer.app_main` method
        config = self.exp_config
        config['infile'] = infile = osp.join(config['expdir'], 'input.dat')

        func = getattr(np, which)  # np.sin, np.cos or np.tan
        data = func(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi))'Saving input data to %s', infile)
        np.savetxt(infile, data)

    def _modify_preproc(self, parser):
        """Modify the parser for the preprocessing command"""
        parser.update_arg('which', short='w', choices=['sin', 'cos', 'tan'])

if __name__ == '__main__':

The code should be more or less self explanatory. We start with the ModelOrganizer.app_main() method which chooses the right experiment from the given id parameter. The we use the numpy.sin, numpy.cos and numpy.tan functions from the numpy module and calculate the data from \(-\pi\) to \(\pi\).

Finally we store it to an input file inside the experiment directory.


If you want to see the configuration values in the experiment config, use the info() and the get-value commands

In [6]: !./ info
id: tangent
description: Squared Tangent
project: trigo
expdir: /home/docs/checkouts/
  init: '2019-05-23 22:10:47.924795'
  setup: '2019-05-23 22:10:45.738604'

In [7]: !./ get-value expdir

In the _modify_preproc section, we update argument of the --which argument to include a shorter -w command and some choices (see the funcargparse.FuncArgParser class for more information). Note the style of the documentation of the preproc method. We follow the numpy documentation guidelines such that the funcargparse.FuncArgParser can extract the docstring. Our new command now has been translated to a command line argument:

In [8]: !./ preproc -h
usage: square preproc [-h] [-w str]

Create preprocessing data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -w str, --which str  The name of the numpy function to apply

and we can use it to create our input data

In [9]: !./ -id sine preproc
INFO:square.sine:Saving input data to /home/docs/checkouts/

In [10]: !./ -id cosine preproc -w cos
INFO:square.cosine:Saving input data to /home/docs/checkouts/

# by default, the last created experiment (tangent) is used so the -id
# argument is not necessary
In [11]: !./ preproc -w tan
INFO:square.tangent:Saving input data to /home/docs/checkouts/

Finally, we include a run command that uses our input data of the given experiment and for our model

    def run(self, **kwargs):
        Run the model

            Any other parameter for the
            :meth:`model_organization.ModelOrganizer.app_main` method
        from calculate import compute

        # get the default output name
        output = osp.join(self.exp_config['expdir'], 'output.dat')

        # save the paths in the configuration
        self.exp_config['output'] = output

        # run the model
        data = np.loadtxt(self.exp_config['infile'])
        out = compute(data)
        # save the output'Saving output data to %s', osp.relpath(output))
        np.savetxt(output, out)

        # store some additional information in the configuration of the
        # experiment
        self.exp_config['mean'] = mean = float(out.mean())
        self.exp_config['std'] = std = float(out.std())
        self.logger.debug('Mean: %s, Standard deviation: %s', mean, std)

and we run it

In [12]: !./ -v -id sine run
INFO:square.sine:Saving output data to trigo/experiments/sine/output.dat
DEBUG:square.sine:Mean: 0.49000000000000016, Standard deviation: 0.35693136595149494

In [13]: !./ -v -id cosine run
INFO:square.cosine:Saving output data to trigo/experiments/cosine/output.dat
DEBUG:square.cosine:Mean: 0.51, Standard deviation: 0.35693136595149494

In [14]: !./ -v run
INFO:square.tangent:Saving output data to trigo/experiments/tangent/output.dat
DEBUG:square.tangent:Mean: 47.04000000000017, Standard deviation: 190.14783301421124

Now, finally, let’s create a postproc command that visualizes our data

    def postproc(self, close=True, **kwargs):
        Postprocess and visualize the data

        close: bool
            Close the figure at the end
            Any other parameter for the
            :meth:`model_organization.ModelOrganizer.app_main` method
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import seaborn as sns  # for nice plot styles

        # ---- load the data
        indata = np.loadtxt(self.exp_config['infile'])
        outdata = np.loadtxt(self.exp_config['output'])
        x_data = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi)

        # ---- make the plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        # plot input data
        plt.plot(x_data, indata, label='input')
        # plot output data
        plt.plot(x_data, outdata, label='squared')
        # draw a legend
        # use the description of the experiment as title

        # ---- save the plot
        self.exp_config['plot'] = ofile = osp.join(self.exp_config['expdir'],
                                                   'plot.png')'Saving plot to %s', osp.relpath(ofile))

        if close:
In [15]: !./ -v -id sine postproc
INFO:square.sine:Saving plot to trigo/experiments/sine/plot.png

In [16]: !./ -v -id cosine postproc
INFO:square.cosine:Saving plot to trigo/experiments/cosine/plot.png

In [17]: !./ -v postproc
INFO:square.tangent:Saving plot to trigo/experiments/tangent/plot.png
Result image for tangent experiment

Finally, we can archive our project to save disc space

In [18]: !./ archive -p trigo -rm
INFO:square:Archiving to /home/docs/checkouts/


You can also do everything from above in one line by chaining the subparser commands.

In [19]: !./ -v -id sine setup . -p trigo init -d "Squared Sine" preproc run postproc archive -p trigo -rm
INFO:square.sine:Initializing project trigo
DEBUG:square.sine:    Creating root directory /home/docs/checkouts/
INFO:square.sine:Initializing experiment sine of project trigo
DEBUG:square.sine:    Creating experiment directory /home/docs/checkouts/
INFO:square.sine:Saving input data to trigo/experiments/sine/input.dat
INFO:square.sine:Saving output data to trigo/experiments/sine/output.dat
DEBUG:square.sine:Mean: 0.49000000000000016, Standard deviation: 0.35693136595149494
INFO:square.sine:Saving plot to trigo/experiments/sine/plot.png
INFO:square.sine:Archiving to /home/docs/checkouts/
DEBUG:square.sine:Adding /home/docs/checkouts/
DEBUG:square.sine:Store sine experiment config to /home/docs/checkouts/
DEBUG:square.sine:Store trigo project config to /home/docs/checkouts/
DEBUG:square.sine:Add /home/docs/checkouts/ to archive
DEBUG:square.sine:Removing /home/docs/checkouts/
DEBUG:square.sine:Removing /home/docs/checkouts/